Relationship of Rich People and Poor People in the Bible: The Systematic Search
The aim this research is to the systematic search of relationship of rich people and poor people in the bible. The Bible has a saying about relation richman and poorman. Riches are really no problem in the Bible, the problem is mindset about poverty and how we e the poverty in life together. So far in Israel poverty is very closely associated with the economic system in which people life. When Israel gave up its life in the wilderness and a semi-nomadic people became a nation of farmers, acquired private possessions and poverty emerged as a social problem. Different social groups came into being conflicting interest. Poverty ceased to be a purely material circumstance and was seen as a sign of inferiority. It was experienced as exploitation. The poorman became the victim of oppressors. In this way the richman became the target of the most important counter-attack on unjust condition prophetic criticism. Because the foundation of the social construc of Israel is covenant with Yahweh. Consequency from this construc in the life style of Israel, the form of social relationships must be equality, appreciate to the righ of every person and the same in life one another. The Christian community applying this style in Reviews their life excist when the early church.
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