Analysis of E-Government Implementation towards Asahan Smart City
The purpose of this study was to analyze the institutional implementation of e-Government and the inhibiting factors in the governmental environment of Asahan Regency. This study used descriptive methods with a qualitative approach through data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations and documentation related to the secondary data to support this research. The study results of the condition of e-government implementation in Asahan Regency can be said to be quite well based on the infrastructure of command center, institutions such as legal devices, regional financial capabilities, and human resources, although there are tasks that need to be renewed and improved as well as information system development across all regional devices that have not been fully integrated. Furthermore, the inhibitory factor in the implementation of the institutional e-Government, some systems have not been integrated due to the shortage of human resources to run the system and some of the information on technology systems and communication has not been perceived by almost all parties, especially regional official organizations in sub-districts and villages.
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