Patient-Centered Communication in the Era of National Health Insurance at Surakarta City, Indonesia
This study discusses patient-centered communication in the era of national health insurance. The next study aims to determine the supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and the doctor's communication process that is patient-centered in the JKN system in the city of Surakarta , Indonesia. This study uses a case study method with qualitative analysis that emphasizes certain cases that occur in the object of analysis. This method uses descriptive analysis with an inductive approach in analyzing data. The research subjects were BPJS primary health facilities, located in Surakarta City. The results showed that there was a patient-centered communication process in building good and effective relationships between primary health facility physicians and patients. Patient-centered communication has a very important role, as stated by Debra Roter and Judith Hall who have described a patient-centered communication model that includes four key elements and is supported by a focus on remote communication. High context communication that emphasizes the main focus on implicit, unspoken, and nonverbal messages is not explicit and verbal messages, as written in the Handbook of health communication, that the quality of interaction between patients and providers is very important for health outcomes in patients. The interaction between the service provider in the patient and the outcome of the patient determines the step of selecting the patient in the next primary health facility. At the end of the achievement, it will further determine the success of patient-centered communication, so that the relationships that occur will influence the outcome of the primary goal of primary health care services to the health of patients.
Keywords: patient-centered communication, national health insurance .
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