Analysis of the Problem Based Learning Syntax in Vocational Mathematics Books on Matrix Material
Books, as one of the many sources of learning and learning materials, are commonly used by teachers and students in the learning process of Mathematics, so that students can experience the most of learning of mathematics / students can learn Mathematics best. Based on 2013 Curriculum in which the learning process is students-centered, there needs to a model of learning which is based on problem, namely PBL. This model will run best when the books used during the learning process meet the syntax of PBL. This study aims at analyzing Mathematical book for Vocational School on Matrix subject, based on the syntax of PBL. The method used for the study is descriptive. The instruments which are developed based on the Syntax of PBL includes: students’ orientation on the problems, organizing students for the learning process, guiding students individually or in groups, developing and presenting the result / work piece, analyzing and evaluating the process of problem solving. The study will analyze 3 Mathematics books which are mostly used by teachers, coded A, B, and C. The focus of the analysis is Matrix, covering the explanation of the concept and students’ activities. The result of the study will show that syntax of PBL are present in the three Mathematics Textbooks analyzed. Book C is better than Book A and Book B, analyzed from the syntax of PBL. From the analysis, it is found that Book C is more suitable to be used in a learning process using PBL model. Further study is recommended for analysis on which book is much more suitable to be used in a learning process using certain model of learning.
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