Modernity in Hedonic Life Youth Women (Structure of Socialite Groups Among College Students in Jakarta)

Ahmad Zafrullah Tayibnapis, Radita Gora Tayibnapis


Modernity among the metropolitan community has not only left a traditional impression that was past, but changes in behavior, personality and lifestyle changes and the way of life of the people also experienced significant changes. Simple lifestyle is increasingly abandoned, even among teenagers who are still in college have begun to imitate the upper class style and try to appear with more value. So this is one of the problems in the style of adolescence in this modernity. In research using structuration theory as the main theory. Based on the results of the study found that adolescents who are supported with an established economic background, there is a tendency to look more with branded goods and instill the same and equal taste, and develop a pattern of circular communication as Balinese continuous communication, besides the communication climate built is a form of communication with upper class teenagers. So that many of these socialites ignore the form of simplicity and put forward their luxurious lifestyle and want to be judged more in the eyes of others. It can be seen that the main form of domination is the principle of hetronomy as an external factor that forms a high lifestyle in the youth. While the legitimacy seen is the use of expensive attributes inherent in the socialite group. In addition, modernity among teenagers does not prioritize technology, but rather the fashion style that others want to exhibit.


Hedonic; Modernity; Youth Women

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