Accountability of General Election Commission of Klaten Regency in Organizing the 2015 Election of Regent and Deputy Regent
General Election Commission is an election organizing institution as referred to in the Law governing election administrators who are given the task and authority in administering an election based on the provisions stipulated in the Law. Managerial accountability is expected to be able to encourage the creation of public trust in government performance. Therefore, a review of managerial accountability in public organizations is very important to be carried out in order to ensure that the values of public services are carried out clearly on the managerial performance of the organization. This study will employ a qualitative descriptive approach to gain an in-depth understanding of managerial accountability of General Election Commission of Klaten Regency in organizing the 2015 election of Regent and Deputy Regent of Klaten. The data was obtained from sources related to the research object. In this case, it is the document of the election results of regional head from General Election Commission of Klaten Regency. Collecting the informants was carried out by using purposive sampling technique by selecting who the subjects are in the best position to provide information needed by researchers. In this case, General Election Commission of Klaten Regency carried out 3 stages in managerial accountability consisting of information, action and answer, although there are still a number of activities that are not yet optimal. Society participation and stakeholders have contributed to the success of the election implementation at each stage.
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