Translation Analysis of Clause Complex Shifting on Children Literature

Wahyu Utomo, M.R. Nababan, Tri Wiratno


This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research, which describes the data as a real phenomenon, because it fulfils five axioms of qualitative research. The objective of this research is to find clause complex switch from Source Language to Target Language in a bilingual story for children “Kumpulan Dongeng Motivasi: Stories of Great Virtues.” Clause complex is clause which has two or more processes. On this paper, the researcher analysed entire clauses complexes and their switch from the source into target language. Then, the researcher analysed translation techniques which are used and the translation quality. The result of the study shows that the researcher has found 5 categories of clause complex shifting; A. Complex to Complex (no shifting), B. Complex to Complex with clause reduction, C. Complex to Complex with clause addition, D. Complex to Simplex with single clause, and E. Complex to Simplex with more than one clauses. From the translation point of view, the researcher found that the most translation techniques used by the translator are establish equivalent (71%), Pure Borrowing (8%), and Modulation (5%). These translation techniques affect the complex clause shifting as mentioned before. The translation quality of this book reaches more than 2,90 of 3. It means that the translator successfully translated all of the stories in this children literature book in high level of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. This phenomena shows that translation techniques are really matter to guide the translation on the right track.


Translation Analysis; Systemic Functional Linguistics; Clause Complex; Children Literature

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