Community Preferences of Meat Consumption by Types in Mataram City
The development of the livestock sub-sector which is increasing in line with the increase in people's income causes an increase in the consumption of food sources of protein, especially animal protein such as animal products. This study aims to determine community preferences in Mataram City for the type of meat consumed. This research uses the survey method. The data used are primary and secondary data obtained through recording, interview, and observation techniques. The selection of research locations was done based on the purposive sampling method, namely in six villages in Mataram City, with the number of samples in this study were 100 respondents. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis.
Based on the results of the study found that the most consumed meat by respondents was broiler as much as 61 respondents, then those who chose to consume beef as much as 21 respondents (21%), who consumed Domestic hen meat by 16 respondents (16%) and who chose other meat (pork) as much as 2 respondents or 2%. The reasons for buying meat by respondents were quite diverse, including 1) because of lower prices 2) easier to obtain 3) because the taste was considered better, 4) preferred by family members, and 5) safer for consumption.
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