Investigating Some Spiritual-Personality and Religious Aspects in the Prevention of Postpartum Blues
Introduction: If pregnancy is considered as a spiritual situation, can spiritual attitudes and personality dimensions be effective in preventing postpartum blues? The purpose of this article is to investigate Some spiritual- personality and religious aspects aspects in preventing postpartum blues are 2019.
Methods: This is a review and library study. Articles by searching the PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Magi ran databases, jurisprudential point wives, keyword religious injunctions: traits such as trust in God, patience, Forgiveness, Prayer and worship, ... and the personality type, Searched without time limit. At the end of the search, out of 60 articles, 31 articles were reviewed.
Results: In this article, the possible preventive factors of postpartum blues and mood disorders were divided into 5 general areas: is 1: Personality and Personality Type 2 - Improving the spiritual health of a pregnant mother by relying on features such as trust in God, patience, and patience ...3. Positive knowledge and attitude towards religious instruction in pregnancy. 4- Family communication and family structure and support. 5. The role of health care providers in maternal mental health care is discussed.
Conclusion: Five personality, religious, family, and religious attitudes of health personnel have been identified as effective factors. It seems that implementation of educational protocols based on religious teachings should be considered in prevention and treatment programs.
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