The Development of Critical Thinking Test Based on Higher-Order Thinking PISA Version in the Historical Learning at Senior High School
This research aims to create critical thinking test as measure tool that valid and reliable to used in the historical learning evaluation at Senior High School. The development method that is use in this research accordance to CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product) that developed by Daniel Stufflebeam and focused to input, process and output. The steps in the development of research method reffer to the development step that has implemented by Aman. I Instrument consists of question device, and the using directive. To get the question with a good category so it is done validation of expert and senior teacher (practitioners). The analysis of score results in the expert validation step uses item that result 25 with a good content construction. Then, it is done the trial test as implementation step. Analyzed of The question properness is analyized by SPSS for statistic version 17 program. There are 25 questions in analysis result that produce 20 questions that valid and reliable. Therefore, assessment based on higher order thinking PISA version has fulfilled the requirement to measure critical thinking skill of Senior High School Student.
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