Legal Protection for Employers Working in a Service Providers in the Economic Law Perspective

Fitriani B, Marwati Riza, Juajir Sumardi


This article aims to find out legal protection in the employment relationship between outsourced workers and employers and how the implementation of providing welfare protection by employers/service providers to outsourced workers. The study was conducted using the method of normative legal research or also called doctrinal research using the statute approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. The results showed that legal protection for outsourced workers needs to be improved including law enforcement with very low integrity in case of violations committed by employers or companies against outsourced workers. Provision of welfare protection in the form of labor social security, compensation and benefits that can meet all the socio-economic needs of workers. Then the main purpose of the existence of economic law so that economic growth continues, and is expected to change or transformation of economic structure.


Legal Protection; Outsourcing Workers; Economic Law

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