Patterns and Strategies of Islamic Innate-Jurisprudential Education Confronting the Challenge of Ethics Relativism
Based on Islamic nature, education is the Quranic righteous path that inspires the way of good and evil in human. And in fact, this type of education crystallizes a more sustained and effective path of guidance, growth and perfection. The divine nature, which is the wise tendency of individuals, for the moderate orientation of the way of life in interaction with the inside and outside of oneself, has been given by God in a uniform way for all human beings. Modern schools and ideologies, which have been emerged through socio-political needs and responses, causing a conflict with this divine principle. Ethical pluralism as well as ethical relativism are one of these challenging issues. In this article, before going into considering the mentioned challenge, first, examples and instances of nature-based education are presented to provide a picture of its practical form. Then we present this challenge (moral plurality and moral relativity), which is actually a product of instinctism in the field of the materialist schools of liberalism, and we use Shahid Motahhari’s opinions and also the universal statement on ethics. And then continue with the negation, criticism and rejection of this challenge, and it becomes clear that the education inspired by innate nature can unite the practice of universal ethics and, in fact, it becomes a strategic version for true explanation and common perception of education in international scientific and ethical assemblies.
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