The Intelligence Relations; Emotional, Intellectual, and Spiritual to Students 'Ethical Attitudes
An ethical attitude is an attitude that must be owned by students because an ethical attitude is an attitude that is in accordance with applicable rules. A person's ethical attitude is influenced by various factors such as emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, and spiritual intelligence. Then the purpose of this research is to determine the relationship of emotional intelligence, intellectual and spiritual to the ethical attitudes of students. The methodology of this research is causal-comparative with a quantitative approach. Respondents in this research were 148 students drawn from the total population. Methods of data analysis in research using multiple regression. The results of the research are as follows: 1). Emotional intelligence has a positive relationship with students' ethical attitudes, 2). Intellectual intelligence has a positive and significant relationship to students' ethical attitudes, 3). Spiritual intelligence has a positive and significant relationship to the ethical attitudes of students, 4). Emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, and spiritual intelligence together affect the ethical attitudes of students by 8.6% and by 91.4% influenced by variables outside the research.
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