The Educational Values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman Book
Athiyyah ar-Rahman is an influential book which written by Muhammad Azhari al-Palembani ibn Abdullah ibn Ahmad or also known as Kemas Azhari (1811-1874). The book was written in 1842 and until today is learned by Islamic community in Palembang. This article tries to elucidate the values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman book from education perspectives. The discourse-historical approach of Reisigl and Wodak (2008) is used to analyze the book. The findings show that Athiyyah ar-Rahman describes six pillars of Islam. The six pillars of Islam are framing three dimensions, including personal dimension, social dimension, and transformative dimension. The personal dimension relates to the core of the education to construct the self of student. The social dimension relates to the visions for harmonizing among humans and between humans and nature. Meanwhile, the transformational dimension relates to the effect of education to solve the problems in human life as well as transform the society. Based on the analysis, the educational values of Athiyyah ar-Rahman could be summarized as follows: religiosity, spirituality, morality, solidarity, tolerance, environmentalism, pragmatism and transformational.
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