The Local Culture Values of “Perdikan Cahyana” as a Source of Instructional Material for Elementary Students

Rani Darojah, Retno Winarni, Tri Murwaningsh


The objective of this study was to obtain an innovative instructional material based on local culture of Perdikan Cahyana area to promote students’ competences in appreciating fiction stories. The material was developed based on the fiction aspects to meet the requirement of curriculum subject for the fifth-grade students in elementary school and followed by the need analysis results. The material was designed in printed form and it was standardized to meet good quality learning material for elementary student purposes. The results showed that the developed fiction material was categorized as very good. The material was effective to use and be able to motivate the students to appreciate fiction stories. The developed material facilitated the students to involve in the learning process actively which made the learning move from teacher center to student center learning. The significance value was 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was a positive improvement and significant value of learning outcomes of the fiction stories appreciation after the use of developed instructional material.


Fiction material; Perdikan cahyana; Local culture

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