Student Entrepreneurial Interests that are influenced by Income Expectations, Entrepreneurship Education, and Self Efficacy
Entrepreneurial interest is an indispensable thing for every individual in this era. Entrepreneurial interest to be realized is influenced by various factors such as Entrepreneurship Education, Self-Efficiency, and Income Expectations. Because the presence of entrepreneurial interest will be able to reduce the impact of social inequality in society and can reduce poverty. Then the purpose of this study is to determine the entrepreneurial interest of students who are influenced by Expectations of Income, Entrepreneurship Education and Self-Efficiency. The methodology of this research is quantitative research by involving 137 students taken by purposive sampling technique. Data analysis method with multiple linear regression. The research results are as follows: (1). Income Expectation has a positive effect on entrepreneurial interest, (2). Entrepreneurship Education has a positive effect on interest in entrepreneurship, (3). Self Efficacy has a positive effect on entrepreneurial interest, (4). Income expectations, entrepreneurship education, and self-efficacy together affect entrepreneurial interest by 57.2% and by 42.8% influenced by variables outside the study
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