Independence of Constitutional Court Judgment in Reaching Justice Law

Kasmin Kasmin, Suko Wiyono, Slamet Suhartono


The Constitutional Court is a state institution formed based on Article 24C of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which contains 6 paragraphs. The Constitutional Court has 4 (four) authorities regulated in paragraph (1) The Constitutional Court has the authority to adjudicate the first and last level of the decision which is final to test the law against the Basic Law, to decide on a dispute over the authority of a state institution whose authority is granted by the Basic Law, decide upon the dissolution of political parties, and decide on disputes over the results of general elections. The independence of constitutional judges is absolutely necessary in carrying out his duties as a judge, but in interpreting independence it is not freedom that is not controlled, but freedom that is responsible and holds firmly the constitutional judge's oath. Thus, the constitutional judge can present a sense of legal justice for the people seeking justice.


Constitutional Court Judgment; Unity; Justice Law

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