Culture Heritage and Local Community Engagement: Analyses of Kotagede and George Town Heritage Sitess
Societies are facing increasing risks of experiencing unpredictable disasters due to climate change, and thus, planning for sustainable development has become all the more urgent. More so, in some communities, histories of disasters have resulted in significant demographic changes, leaving behind the loss of iconic heritage properties and its cultural heritage. Yet, part of sustainable development include adequate urban planning where conservation and regeneration of historic urban areas becomes an integral part of requirement for sustainable livelihood for the cities of the future. This study evaluated the awareness and participation of the local communities in conservation efforts of cultural heritage within two historical heritage sites: Kotagede,Yogyakarta and George Town, Penang. Based on qualitative case studies and focused group discussions with the stakeholders of the local communities, three key themes on community participation emerged: sense of belonging towards a meaningful living heritage, sense of ownership towards restorative efforts, and sense of partnership in engagement efforts. These themes point towards an urgent implication: since the local communities already have a greater awareness and a high drive for involvement in maintaining the heritage of Kotagede and George Town, cohesive and appropriate collective actions in empowering the locals to lead in future conservation efforts of heritage programmes at Kotagede and George Town, are genuinely needed.
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