Fact Checking of Hoaxes by Masyarakat Antifitnah Indonesia
Hoaxes in social media become a serious problem in the world, include Indonesia. This paper explores what volunteers of Masyarakat Anti-Fitnah Indonesia (Mafindo) do to produce messages against hoax in Facebook. This research applies qualitative descriptive methodology about the production of anti hoax messages and fact checking of hoaxes in social media, conducted by volunteers of Mafindo. The discussion shows that the production of anti-hoax messages and fact checking as done by Mafindo volunteers is very important to compensate for the hoax spread in social media. This research contributes to the world of new media research, where the production messages and fact checking against hoax by communities becomes a novelty and new phenomenon in Indonesia.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i6.1179
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