Basic Study on the Implementation of Outpatient Referral of BPJS Health Members in the First Health Facility at Makassar

Erni Febrianti, Amran Razak, Siti Haerani


The health insurance program in Indonesia shows efforts to continue to be optimized, one of which is through the implementation of a tiered referral system starting from the First Level Health Facility (FKTP). The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of BPJS Health Outpatient referral at First Level Health Facilities (FKTP) in Makassar City. In this study using a mixed method, the population in this study was 146 people with 60 samples drawn. Quantitative data analysis namely univariate analysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis used in this study is logistic regression analysis. While qualitative data analysis includes organizing / structuring data, conducting coding and categorizing, looking for patterns and research propositions, interpreting data, and evaluating interpretations. The results showed that there was an influence between health human resources on the implementation of outpatient referrals, there was an influence between facility facilities on the implementation of outpatient referrals. There is no influence between the availability of medicines on the implementation of first-degree outpatient referrals for BPJS Health patients at FKTP in the city of Makassar. There is no influence between the understanding of health workers about the tiered referral system and the implementation of first-degree outpatient referrals for BPJS Health patients at FKTP in Makassar city.


Health Insurance; Referral; Outpatient; BPJS Patients

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