The Influence of School Head Managerial and Teacher's Performance Abilities in the Quality of PAUD at Cluster 3 District Gerung
The purpose of this study is to analyze and identify the effect between the principal's managerial ability with PAUD quality, teacher performance with PAUD quality, and the principal's managerial ability, teacher performance, together with PAUD quality. The approach of this research is quantitative ex-post facto. The population in this study is the principal and teachers in PAUD-PAUD cluster 3, Gerung sub-district with a population of 50 people. The sample of this study consisted of 50 people including 12 principals and 38 PAUD teachers in cluster 3 in Gerung sub-district who were taken with a saturated sample technique. The results of this study show that: 1) there is a positive and significant effect on the managerial ability of school principals on the quality of PAUD in groups of 3 Gerung sub-districts by 2%, 2) there is a positive and significant effect on teacher performance on the quality of PAUD in groups of 3 Gerung districts by 2 , 1%, 3) there is a positive and significant influence on the managerial ability of school principals and teacher performance together on the quality of PAUD in cluster 3 of Gerung sub-district by 1.9%.
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