Influence of Transformational Leadership Perception in Employee Performance: Perception of Learning Organizations and Innovations as Mediator (Study in CV. Amigo Mangesti Utomo)
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of transformational leadership on organizational performance :mediation of organizational learning and innovation ( Study in CV. Amigo Mangesti Utomo ). The research approach used is a type of empirical research, with data collection methods used by survey techniques, using a Likert scale in the survey with a rating interval between scores of 1-5, where score 1 indicates a very dissatisfied perception while score 5 indicates a very satisfied perception. The sample in this research is permanent employees (who work more than one year) in CV. Amigo Mangesti Utomo. The analysis method used to determine the relationship between variables is path analysis using the structural equation model (SEM) method and the AMOS program. The results of testing the hypothesis are as follows: 1. The variable of transformational leadership perception has a positive and significant effect on innovation, 2. The variable of transformational leadership perception has a positive and significant effect on innovation, 3. The variable of organizational learning perception shows results that have no significant effect on innovation, 4. Variable perception of organizational learning has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, 5. Innovation variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
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