Development of PhET-Aid-Based Inquiry Learning Devices to Improve Student Critical Thinking Skills

Noky Rendy Kapelle, B. Jatmiko, Munasir Munasir, I. H. Wenno


This study aims to produce a valid, practical and effective PhET-assisted inquiry learning model to improve students' critical thinking skills. Development of learning tools using the 4D model. Learning tools developed are syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets and student textbooks. The feasibility level of the device is known through validation conducted by two lecturers. To determine the achievement of student learning outcomes used test questions using the pretest-posttest design method. The learning device trial was carried out on 60 students of class IX SMP Negeri 9 Ambon consisting of two groups namely Class IX-10 and Class IX-11. The results of the validity of the learning tools validated by the lecturers obtained the average percentage results namely syllabus 98.95%, lesson plans 99.23%, student worksheets 99.24%, Student Textbooks 98.72% and critical thinking skills test questions 96.47 %. From the results of the research that has been carried out it can be concluded that: 1) The validity of the learning tools that have been developed as a whole are categorized as good and suitable for use in learning; 2) The practicality of the developed learning tools includes the implementation of lesson plans categorized as good and can run well based on student responses; 3) the effectiveness of the learning device is shown by an increase in students' critical thinking skills based on the results of the t-test and n-gain scores.


PhET Simulation; Learning Tools; Inquiry Model; 4D Model

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