Presenting a Desirable Model of Social Security Organization Management in Light of Its Administrative and Financial Independence in Iran

Zainab Esmati, Hamed Karami


The Social Security Organization of Iran is the country's largest social insurance fund. It has been discussed from the beginning by examining the issue of social security, the way in which the social security organization is run, the assignment of the principal trustee and its administrative and financial independence. Therefore, one of the main objectives of the present study is how to manage a social security organization, providing a desirable model of social security organization. In addition, while investigating the nature of social security institutions and the need for administrative and financial independence of the social security organization, we present the characteristics of a desirable social security organization model. The research technique or method of collecting information in this research is libraries (both documents and books) meaning that the information required for this research is collected from books, articles and documents available in reputable libraries and sites. (External sources are also used, apart from existing sources) and then the information has been processed and analyzed in a descriptive-analytical manner. The results of the study show that The Social security organization in the legal form of "public nongovernmental organization" and as the representative of the government is a trustee to manage the social security affairs. One of the features of this legal framework is that it is one of the public law entities on the one hand and has administrative-financial independence and legal personality independent of the government. And on the basis of its financial administrative autonomy, the Council must lay down rules on how to administer and perform the duties of the organization within the framework of the law. And sovereignty requires oversight by the government (the triple powers) of this entity. Regarding the privatization of social security, it must be acknowledged that despite the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran on privatization and with considering the many benefits that come with this discussion, it seems that regarding the identity of Social Security as a "public nongovernmental organization" and its financial administrative independence, and by maintaining the organization's true position and assisting the private sector in its executive functions, one can expect to fulfill this task of government sovereignty with greater quality and quantity; today, Iran's social security system has entered the stage of organizational evolution and moving towards improving its current status and achieving administrative and financial independence, but this system, like all human-designed systems, has some shortcomings that need to be addressed


Social Security; Government; Administrative Independence; Financial Independence; Legal Entity; Iran

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