Development of Road and Bridge Infrastructure to Enhance Economic Growth in the Coastal Communities of Tuminting District in Manado City
Overcoming poorness in town of Manado which pursuant to statistical which is tendency mount, with year data 2016 noted by number 22,41 %. Various means done by government of town of Manado in improving to get society like developing infrastructure walke and recognized bridge by way of Boulevard 2 with length walke 6,5 km and wide 14 m very expected can grow economic sentra sentra newly to coastal area society through the street boulevard 2. Target of research is wishing to know do development of infrastructure walke and bridge of Boulevard 2 looking positive to make-up of coastal area society economics in district of Tuminting town of Manado. Pursuant to result of research that development of infrastructure walke and bridge of Boulevard 2 having relation 98,5 % with make-up of coastal coastal area society economics of district of Tuminting town of Manado.
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