The Effect of Basic Pencak Silat and Breathing Technique Practices on the Improvement of Physical Fitness in Male Athletes Viewed from Body Mass Index (An Experimental Study on Perguruan Pencak Silat Merpati Putih Maos Cilacap)

Eri Kuswanti, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Hanik Liskustyawati


The objectives of research were: 1) to distinguish the effect of basic pencak silat (martial art) technique practice and the combined basic and breathing technique practice on the improvement of physical fitness, 2) to compare the improvement of physical fitness of athletes (pesilat) with lean and normal BMI. This study was an experimental research, with 20 male athletes being the sample. The sample taken was athletes aged 16-19 years belonging to adolescence period, constituting the good period for improving body size growth. The sample is divided into two experimental groups: basic technique group and basic and breathing techniques group. The physical fitness is measured based on BMI of Perguruan Merpati Putih Maos members, in which all sample members were measured for their body height and weight. Body Mass Index is a method employed to determine an individual’s nutrition status. In adolescent, this determination is based on Body Mass Index (IMT) calculation and then matched with the growth chart corresponding to age and sex. Practice program was conducted 3 times a week for 8 weeks. The participants of two experiment groups did the practice according to their groups’ treatment. Considering the result of Anova test, it could be found p = 0.000 < 0.05 for basic and breathing technique movement and p = 0.000 < 0.05 for basic movement. This result indicated p < 0.05, meaning that Ho is not supported. It could be concluded that pencak silat basic technique practice program with the combined basic and breathing technique practices could improve physical fitness of Merpati Putih Maos Cilacap members more effectively.  


Basic Technique Practice; Breathing Practice; BMI; Merpati Putih; Physical Fitness

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