Methods of Integrating Moral Values in Storytelling: A Case Study of Children Learning English at Bale Baca Kerajaan Dongeng Tojong-Ojong
This study is aimed to identify methods of integrating moral values in storytelling at Bale Baca Kerajaan Dongeng Tojong-Ojong. This study focuses on what moral values of story are integrated to the children in storytelling and what integration methods of moral values are used by storyteller. The study is a descriptive case study with a qualitative research design. The subjects of the study were children and a storyteller. The data were obtained through three techniques, namely observations, interviews, and recording. The data were analyzed qualitatively by identifying, classifying, and describing moral values and integration methods. The result of the study shown that respect (22,73%) and coorporation (18,18%) more dominant then others. The methods of integrating moral values were found in form of Dedication (9,09%), Accomodation (89,39%), and Resistance (1,51%).
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