Authority and Position of Notary Deed in the Land Sector
The notary public officials are authorized to make an authentic deed, besides other prescribed by statute the authority. At the time of the enactment UUJN No. 30 Tahun 2004, a debate emerged related to the authority notaries in making the deed associated with land. It is in the trigger because of other dignitaries in this PPAT who also has the authority in making the deed associated with land. In the process of land registration as mentioned in PP No. 24 Tahun 1997, that which, aids the head of the land office is PPAT. This study aims to find out about to look at what the meaning of the deed which as pertaining to land that has been granted to a notary in UUJN. The main approach method used in this research is the normative juridical approach that is research that emphasizes the legal aspects, by studying the materials of primary law and secondary law which will be used as guidance in understanding and analyzing the problems discussed, while as supporting the main approach Empirical juridical approach is used. Research suggests that the significance of related to land certificate which is the authority of the notary is wide it could make a notarial deed with regard to land as long as it does not constitute the PPAT.
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Habib Adjie, Beda Karakter Yuridis Antara Notaris dan PPAT serta Akta Notaris PPAT,!topic/notuna2003/nlKhWk5-aV4, diakses tanggal 20 Januari 2019, pukul 10.00 WIB
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