Motion Thamrin: Language Politics and Inlander (Indigenous) Appellation for Indonesian People

Nazirwan Rohmadi, Muhammad Akhyar, Warto Warto


Volksraad is a legislative institution that is formed by Dutch East Indies Government on May 8th, 1918. Volksraad is formed in order to achieve decentralization idea from Dutch government and to develop Dutch East Indies democratic Country. Volksraad member forms politics wings to win the voting in every making decision process. Politic wing that is represented Indonesian Nation is National Fraction. National fraction has found on January 27th, 1930 and led by Mohammad  Husni Thamrin. National fraction has main purpose, that purpose is achieving Indonesian independence through the legitimate way. National fraction has member  such as M. H. Thamrin (Kaum Betawi), Iskandardinata (Pasoendan), Soeroso (PVPN), Koesoemo Oetojo, Dwidjosewojo, Soekardjo Wirjopranoto, Wiwoho Poerbohadidjojo (BO), Mochtar bin Praboe Mangkoe Negara (Sumatera), Abdul Firman Gelar Maharadja Soangkoepon (Batak), and Jahja Datoek Kajo (Sumatera). Thamrin and national fraction often do not agree with Dutch East Indies Government policy that only stand to European. That policy is criticized by Thamrin and national fraction is language political policy in society and inlander (Indigenous) appiliation that humiliate Indonesian nation.


Mohammad Husni Thamrin; Volksraad; Language of political; Inlander

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