Use of Clouds-Based Regional Management Systems : Dual Factor Theory Approach
The purpose of this research is to investigate the enablers and inhibitors include dual factor theory of clouds based regional information system usage. This research took samples of financial employees who worked in the Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in Jember Regency consisting of 200 respondents, used a survey method and primary data. The sample selection technique in this study uses purposive sampling, data analysis uses multiple regression. The results show, the first problem of IT infrastructure has a negative effect on the use of cloud-based regional management information systems. Secondly, the problem of human resource competency has a negative effect on the use of cloud-based regional management information systems. Third, perceived usefulness has a positive effect on the use of cloud-based regional management information systems. Fourth, perceived ease of use has a positive effect on the use of cloud-based regional management information systems.
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