Credit Take over Agreements with Guarantees of Mortgage Rights at Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia TBK. Pekanbaru Branch
Credit take over agreements with guarantees of Mortgage Rights in the banking world can still be said to be attractive because CCB Indonesia Pekanbaru Branch is carrying out a binding agreement on take-over credit and Power of Attorney Imposing Mortgage Rights with the conditions of Land Rights Certificates and Mortgage Certificates still attached Mortgage rights for the Initial Creditors / Banks that are taken over. CCB Indonesia in approving the take over credit facility with the main consideration being that the debtor has a history of credit collectibility in the Debtor Information for the Financial Information Service System / IDEB SLIK OJK with current credit collectability. Debtors choose to take over credit facilities to CCB Indonesia because they obtain lower lending credit interest rates, higher credit facility ceilings, faster approval processes and credit decision making compared to Initial Creditors, free of administrative fees and free of notary fees. The main problem in this study is how to take over credit agreements with guaranteed mortgage rights at Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia Tbk. Pekanbaru Branch. How is the legal protection for the parties with a credit take-over agreement (take over) with guaranteed Mortgage Rights at Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia Tbk. Pekanbaru Branch. The method used in this research is empirical juridical research. Respondents / Informants as well as samples in this study are Credit Operations Head of "CCB Indonesia" Pekanbaru Branch of 1 (one) person and 7 (seven) Notary Partners of "CCB Indonesia" of Pekanbaru Branch. Data collection tool in this study was in the form of an interview. This research is descriptive in nature, providing complete and clear data on loan takeover agreements with guaranteed mortgage rights at Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia Tbk. Pekanbaru Branch. The results of the author's research indicate that the specificity of the credit take-over agreement (guarantee over) with guaranteed Mortgage in Article 3 explicitly specifies that currently the object of Mortgage Guarantee is still in the initial creditor / bank (taken over) and Article 4 expressly specifies that The debtor will transfer the funds to the initial creditor / bank account (taken over) from the proceeds from the disbursement of credit facilities obtained by the Debtor from the CCB Indonesia Pekanbaru Branch. After the signing of the credit agreement has been fulfilled, the Partner Notary issues a Cover Note / Certificate submitted to CCB Indonesia to continue the transfer of funds to the Debtor account at the Initial Creditors / Banks which are overtaken. Legal protection for the Parties in the Take Over Agreement with guaranteed Mortgage is carried out in 2 (two) forms, namely preventive and repressive from CCB Indonesia Creditor and Partner Notary.
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