The Effect of The Substitution of Ground Corn with Fermented Banana Weevil in The Concentrate Added to The Basal Feed on Blood Metabolite Level of Fattened Bali Cattle by Breeder Pattern

Upik Syamsiar Rosnah, Marthen Yunus, Grace Maranatha, Edi Djoko Sulistijo


This research is aimed at knowing the effect of the substitution of ground corn with fermented banana weevil in the concentrate as energy sources added to the basal feed of Fattened Bali cattle on the blood metabolite content (blood urea, blood sugar, and total blood proteins). This research was conducted in a field laboratory of Faculty of Animal Science in Oelatsala, Kabupaten Kupang. This research has twelve Fattened Bali cattle at range 2 – 2.5 years of age with average body weight 102,71 kg ±17,58 (KV=17,11%).The reseach method utilized is a trial method using randomize group design with four treatements and three replications. The treatements in this research are P0: basal feed of breeder pattern + concentrate (contained of 30% ground corn without fermented banana weevil), P1: basal feed of breeder pattern + concentrate (contained of 20% ground corn + 10% fermented banana weevil), P2:basal feed of breeder pattern + concentrate (contained of 10% ground corn + 20& fermented banana weevil), P3: basal feed of breeder pattern + concentrate (contained of 30% fermented banana weevil without ground corn). The data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The variable observed includes blood sugar, urea, total blood proteins, and blood cholesterol in Fattened Bali cattle. The result of statistical analysis shows that the substitute ground corn with fermented banana weevil in the concentrate added to the basal feed is not statistically significant (P>0.05) for the sugar blood, urea, total blood proteins, and blood cholesterol in Fattened Bali cattle. The conclusion of this research is that the substitute ground corn with fermented banana weevil in the concentrate added to the basal feed does not cause different profile of blood metabolite, especially, in terms of blood sugar, urea, total blood proteins, and cholesterol of Fattened Bali cattle.


Substitute, Fermented Banana Weevil, Concentrate, Blood Metabolite, Fattened Bali Cattle by Breeder Pattern

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