The Authority of Honorary Committee of Notary in Obtaining the Copy of Original Deed Owned by Yasmine Citra Maulania
Honorary Committee of Notary is an institution chosen by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights as the supervisor of Notary position working based on Law Number 2 of 2016 regarding Amendment on Law Number 30 of 2004 regarding Notary Position. In Article 66 of Law of Notary Position, Honorary Committee of Notary basically has authority to give approval on the request of original deed copy. The implementation of this authority is set in the Regulation of Justice and Human Rights Minister Number 7 of 2016 regarding Honorary Committee of Notary. The validity of this Honorary Committee of Notary automatically gets rejection from some parties if related to judicature. Therefore, the researcher makes research question on how the role of Honorary Committee of Notary in obtaining original deed copy and how the effect of Honorary Committee of Notary consideration towards obtaining copy of original deed. The research method used is judicial normative in which it is an approach done based on primary law material by reviewing theories, concepts, law principles, and regulations regarding to this research. When the copy obtaining is requested to the Honorary Committee of Notary, the members of committee will conduct a meeting. In the meeting, the Public Notary must show his original deed and the members of Honorary Committee of Notary will assess whether it has been in line with the notary protocol or not. If it has been in line with it, the Honorary Committee of Notary deserves to refuse the proposal. This refusal will not be an issue in the assembly because the judicature can run by being supported by other proofs.
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