Problematic Financing Fine in Indonesian Ulema Council Perspective

Nurmusyahidah Nurmusyahidah, Arfin Hamid, Andi Tenri Famauri


Bad credit is caused by two factors, which are from the bank and from the customer. This study aimed to analyze the fine financing problems in the Islamic of Pawnshop Unit Bone according to Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) perspective. This research is a normative legal research using a sociological juridical approach. The primary data used are regulations or legal products from the Indonesian Ulama Council, namely the DSN-MUI fatwa regarding fines and direct interviews with employees and customers. Besides, the secondary data used was number of books that contain opinion Indonesian Ulama Council and other literature which is relevant to research. The results showed that the application of fines in financing problems in the islamic pawnshop Unit Bone of South Sulawesi had positive and negative impacts. The positive impact was giving a deterrent effect to customers who face the due while the negative impact is the waste of time for employees who have to work more than working hours. However, the impact of these fines did not reduce the performance of the South Sulawesi specially in the Islamic of Pawnshop Unit Bone in order to become a non-bank financial institution that is still in demand by the public and become a financial institution that can help the economy of Indonesian society, among them is the society in Bone, South Sulawesi. It is because people in Bone regency tend to open up business as their economic livelihoods.


Trouble financing; Fine; Indonesian Ulema Council

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