The Implementation of Human Resource of the Indonesian Table Tennis Federation (PTMSI) in Cilacap Regency

Dian Imam Saefulah, Muchsin Doewes, Sapta Kunta Purnama


Table tennis is a sport that uses small balls. The game is simple and it can be played by all ages. The movements are consistent in hitting, directing, placing the ball in difficult position on opponent’s table. Human resource management is the withdrawal, selection, development, maintenance and use of human resources to achieve both individual and organizational goals. The purpose of the research is to determine the application of human resource management in the Indonesian Table Tennis Federation (PTMSI) Cilacap. There were 35 people as the population of the research. The population was consisted of administrators, coaches, and athletes. There were 20 respondents of the research, consisting of 5 administrators, 2 coaches, and 13 athletes. The research uses a descriptive verification method using a questionnaire instrument. Each respondent gets different questions depend on the duties and responsibilities at PTMSI Cilacap Regency. The results of the research show that the implementation of human resources management at PTMSI Cilacap has been running well. This can be seen from the complete organizational structure and the clear purposes of the establishment of PTMSI Cilacap, as outlined in both vision and mission of PTMSI Cilacap. The management members of PTMSI Cilacap have worked well in accordance with the scope of work and responsibilities of each section. The management also do reorganization every four years. Besides, the management open recruitments for athletes and coaches with selection, according to the valid and formal guidelines. Furthermore, there is promotion for athletes and coaches who can achieve targets and there is also degradation for those who have bad performance.


Table Tennis, Human Resources Management, PTMSI Cilacap Regency

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