Strategies to Increase Satisfaction to Establish Student Behavior by Creating Reputation, Physical Evidence and Academic Information Systems in Higher Education in Central Java Region

Siti Fatonah, I Gusti Putu Diva Awatara


This study aims to determine the effect of Reputation, Physical Evidence and Academic Information Systems on satisfaction and its impact on student loyalty in shaping student behavior in Private Colleges in Central Java. Sampling in this study using Random sampling technique. The number of samples taken in this study were 125 respondents who were students of Private Colleges in Central Java. The analytical tool used is the research instrument test, linearity test, path analysis and regression with t test, F test and R2 test. The t-test results show that Reputation, Physical Evidence and Academic Information Systems have a positive effect on student satisfaction. And Reputation, and satisfaction have a positive effect on loyalty in shaping student behavior. While the Academic Information System has a negative effect on loyalty in shaping student behavior. Direct and indirect effect results can be concluded that the satisfaction variable as an intervening variable of reputation is ineffective, and more effective reputation directly influences the behavior of students of Central Java Region Private Colleges. The direct and indirect influence can be concluded that the satisfaction variable as the intervening variable of the Academic Information System is effective, because the indirect influence through student satisfaction is greater. Whereas for the most dominant and most effective path to improve student behavior to be loyal to Private Colleges is a reputation / image path to student loyalty directly in shaping student behavior, because it has the highest regression coefficient value. Whereas to increase satisfaction is the most effective through increasing / improving physical evidence.


Reputation; Physical Evidence; Academic Information System; Student Satisfaction; Behavior

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