Problems with Implementing Diversity Efforts at the Prosecution Stage (Case Study at the South Coast Prosecutor's Office)
Children who lack or do not receive love, care, guidance and guidance in the development of attitudes, behavior, adaptation, and supervision from parents, guardians or foster parents will be easily dragged into the flow of social relationships and the environment is less healthy and detrimental to personal development . These factors include the development of rapid development, the flow of globalization in the field of communication and information, advances in science and technology and changes in the style and way of life of parents who have brought fundamental social change. In tackling juvenile delinquency, a special way of prevention and control for children is needed, namely the implementation of the Juvenile Justice System. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 Year 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice System is intended to protect and protect children who are dealing with the law. In Article 1 number 7 that Diversion is the transfer of the settlement of a child case from a criminal justice process to a process outside of criminal justice. so that the diversion that was carried out was not reached because the victim's family, especially the victim's parents could not accept the consequences borne by his child, then herein lies the unfair implementation of diversion for the victim and the diversion attempt was considered as a shield for the child offender because the child offender felt protected by the diversion attempt and causing increasingly criminal / criminal offenses committed by offenders under the age of 18 (eighteen) years.
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