The Best Interest of The Child Principle in The Juvenile Justice System

Sasmita Adika Candra, Rodliyah Rodliyah, L. Parman


Children are Nation Assets who have limitations in understanding and protecting themselves from the various influences of the existing system, therefore protection efforts are needed. Research Objectives analyze the concept of the best interests of children in the juvenile criminal justice system, the application of the principle of best interest for children in sexual abuse cases in the Central Lombok Police Station. Empirical legal research methods. Results of research Setting the principle of best interest for children in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Child Judicial System in the provisions of Article 2 letter d. The application of the principle of best interest for children in the Central Lombok Resort Police, suspects are not treated the same as adults, given the opportunity to go to school, be examined in a special room that is a PPA unit room, a PPA special investigator and dressed non-official.


Principles; Children and the Criminal Justice System for Children

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