Javanese Asceticism in Serat Kalatidha
This article focuses on discussing Javanese asceticism in Serat Kalatidha. The purpose of this study is to identify the concept of Javanese culture in Serat Kalatidha. The data were extracted through the text analysis techniques of Serat Kalatidha. Text analysis is conducted with a structural analysis approach that focuses on the concept of Javanese asceticism. The results of the study show that Serat Kalatidha by Ranggawarsita contains the values of Javanese philosophy which is the basic foundation in Ranggawarsita's thinking. Serat Kalatidha teaches philosophy on how to deal with developing conditions. There are some wise attitudes shown in Serat Kalatidha described by the poets which are considered as a very useful advices when dealing with a particular situation or challenge of life.
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