Planting Scheduling of Organic Water Spinach (IpomoeaereptansPoir) Vegetables with Dynamic Simulationin CV. Tani Organik Merapi
One of vegetable commodity that has a high level of demand in Indonesia is water spinach (Ipomoeae reptans poir). Water spinach commodities are very important in improving people's welfare and improving farmers' income if done through good cultivation and techniques. One of the farming techniques in Indonesia that has good prospects is by organic cultivation. Organic water spinach producer in Yogyakarta is CV. Merapi Organic Farm. TOM must be able to maintain the availability of its products in order to be able to meet the demands of its customers. Therefore, this study is forecasting to find out how consumers demand organic water spinach and how to plan scheduling of organic water spinach. Forecasting is done by obtaining the most optimal ARIMA method for predicting organic kale is ARIMA (0,1,1). Based on the forecasting, it can be seen that the total demand for organic water spinach is 1128 kg. Planning for planting organic water spinach is done with a dynamic simulation, results for total amount of organic water spinach is 27297.6 plants and total land area is 225.6 m2.
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