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-, Efendi, Syiah Kuala University (Indonesia)
-, Nurhaliza, Syiah Kuala University (Indonesia)


.Ms, Dr.Sutopo, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Communication Major Postgraduate Program of Sebelas Maret University, Central Java (Indonesia)


A, H (Afghanistan)
A, Mirzaolimov, Master, Fergana Polytechnic Institute (Uzbekistan)
A, Mirziyoev, Independent Researcher, Tashkent Institute of Finance (Uzbekistan)
A, Nonoh Siti, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret (Indonesia)
A Sayuti, Minto, Yogyakarta State University (Indonesia)
A., Sofia J., Universitas Sebelas Maret (Indonesia)
A. B, Kalanov, Assistant, Department of “Folk Medicine of Neurological Diseases”, Tashkent State Dental Institute (Uzbekistan)
A. Sayuti, Suminto, Faculty of Language, Arts, and Culture, Yogyakarta State University (Indonesia)
A. Semmagga, Aulya, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University Yogyakarta State, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
A. Tenri, Famauri, Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University (Indonesia)
A.Gani, Iskandar, Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Syiah Kuala (Indonesia)
A.M., Muzafarov, Associate Professor, Navoi State Mining Institute (Uzbekistan)
A.N, Nigmatov, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Department of “Ecology and Geography”, Gulistan State University (Uzbekistan)
A.R, Latypova (Uzbekistan)
Aali, Rahim, Instructor, Department of Environmental Health, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Khoy Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Aan Amalia, Aan Amalia, Assistant Professor, Japanese Department, Widyatama University (Indonesia)
AB, Ismail, Faculty of Math and Science, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh (Indonesia)
AB, Ismail, Graduate Program in Disaster Science, Syiah Kuala University (Indonesia)
Abadi, Agus Maman, Yogyakarta State University (Indonesia)
Abadi, Mourent Aulia, Art Education Master Study Program, Faculty of Language, Arts and Culture (Indonesia)
Abaeikoopaei, Mahmoud, Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Abarghoie, Somayeh, Masters student of Al Zahara University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

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