Knowledge Level of Agricultural Extension Agent and Farmers’ to Response the Climate Change in Pringsewu Distric, Lampung Province, Indonesia
The objective of this research is to analyze the knowledge level of agricultural extension agency and farmers about climate change and its effects on their perception and response in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The research was conducted in Enggalrejo Villages from April to May 2018. The research location was chosen purposively since both villages are agricultural centers of the regency. The method used a qualitative research approach. The data was collected through in-depth interviews from 3 key informants consisting of agricultural extension staff and 30 farmers. Key informants were identified using snowball sampling. This research applied KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice) approach with three classifications namely low, medium, and high. The results showed that the staff knowledge, attitude, and practice of agricultural extension related to climate change and its relation to agriculture was low. It was also found that farmers have been aware of climate change due to rainfall uncertainty and adjusted it through changing/shifting the cropping period. Farmers agree that climate change affects agriculture. The response of farmers to climate change: shortage varieties, farming without tillage, early harvesting period, use of herbicides to accelerate weeding, and diversification of agricultural commodities as the adaptation strategy.
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