The Leadership Concept in The Babad Banyumas
This article focuses on the characteristics of leadership concepts in Babad Banyumas. The purpose of this study was to identify the concept of leadership in Babad Banyumas. The data were obtained through the Babad Banyumas itself. The text analysis technique was used in this research. The text analysis was done by structural analysis approach which focuses on the leadership concept. The study results show that the Babad Banyumas text presents a leadership model with different characteristics from that of Javanese leadership in general. Leadership Banyumas was analyzed through four components, namely charisma, authority, power, and dominance in a special sense. In term of charisma, a person becomes a king because besides the heredity, it is also due to the factor of hard work through tapa brata (meditating). Then, the authority component, the king is soft in interpretation any persuasion and tends to be democratic. In the concept of power, the king's leadership more emphasizes on moral orientation, not myth. Components of dominance in a special sense, emphasizing the mobilization of time or giving orders without sanctions, so that the command is done without any force.
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