The Role of Islamic Boarding School in Maintaining Physical Fitness of Students (Physical Fitness Study at Huda Mayak Islamic Boarding School, Ponorogo)

Brian Kurniawan Widianto, Agus Kristiyanto, Hanik Liskustyawati


This study aims to determine the physical fitness condition of students in the Darul Huda Mayak Islamic boarding school, Ponorogo. This research uses descriptive method with survey research. The selected sample was 150 students with a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test (TKJI) instrument. Analysis of the data used is in the form of descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate: the 50m run value in the Excellent category is 62.67% with frequency of 94 students. The hanging up value in the Less category is 20.67% with frequency of 31 students. The Sit up value in the Moderate category is 36.67% with frequency of 55 students. The vertical jump value in the Less category is 62.00% with frequency of 93 students. The 1000 m run value in the Less category is 53.33% with frequency of 80 students. The TKJI score in the Medium category is 67.33% with frequency of 101 students.


Fitness; Physical; Students; Islamic Boarding School

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