Study of Physical Vulnerability Mapping of the Coastal Areas of North - East Aceh

Agus Sumardi, Eldina Fatimah, Nizamuddin Nizamuddin


The coastal physical vulnerability study conducted in the North-East coast region of Aceh, which was focused on the calculation of the physical vulnerability index based on the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) method which was integrated with the Geographic Information System (GIS) to determine the most dominant contribution to coastal vulnerability. The index is calculated based on six variables: geomorphology, coastal erosion, slope, changes in sea level, wave height and tidal range. Basically, the emphasis on methodological aspects is related to: (i) the use of GIS techniques to construct, interpolate, filter, and sample data for shoreline networks, (ii) physical vulnerability calculations using the CVI method approach, and (iii) values CVI is applied in vulnerability maps using the GIS program by providing CVI ratings to three levels, namely low, medium, and high. The results of this study indicate that the coastal physical vulnerability of the North East Aceh region is dominated by a moderate level of vulnerability of 83.61% with 51 sub-districts, and then a low vulnerability of 9.84% with 6 sub-districts, and a high vulnerability of 6.56% with 4 sub-districts out of a total of 61 Districts in 10 Regencies / Cities on the North-East coast of Aceh. According to physical conditions, each variable has the same weight, so that each variable has the same contribution to the vulnerability index of the North-East coastal region of Aceh.


Coastal Vulnerability; CVI; GIS; Coastline

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