Implementation of Inclusion Education Program in the Junior High School 4 at Praya
This study aims to determine the management model and identify obstacles in the implementation of inclusive education programs at Junior High School 4 in Praya. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study method (casy study). Data collection techniques are carried out using in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document studies. Sources of research data are principals, deputy principals, special escort teachers and counseling teachers. Furthermore, data analysis is carried out through the steps of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the research found in Junior High School 4 at Praya relating to the management of inclusive education there were 18 special needs students who had various abnormalities and obstacles, namely; 13 students were slow to learn, 1 low vision person, 1 mentally retarded person, 1 hearing impaired and 1 person had communication disorders. These problems often experience obstacles in the management of curriculum modification, between the curriculum of regular students with special needs students (PDBK), there is only 1 special assistant teacher who serves special needs students, lack of facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of inclusive education programs in Junior High School 4 at Praya. The model of inclusive education applied in Junior High School 4 at Praya is a regular class model with full out, namely students with special needs learning with other children (normal) in the regular class and developing their talents and interests by special tutors so that students can develop optimally according to skills possessed.
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