Child Adoption Implementation Without Court Judge Ruling Regarding Law Protection on Inheritance Right in Payakumbuh
The objectives of the present research are: 1) to know the Provision of Child Adoption according to Positive Law in Indonesia Viewed from the Perspective of Law Number 35 of 2014 regarding Child Protection; 2) to know the Legal Protection on Child Inheritance Right; 3) to know How the Legal Consequence for the parties in the child adoption without court judge ruling. This is a descriptive research in which the problem approach is judicial empirical and it uses two data sources namely primary data and secondary data. In terms of unknown chilld background, then the child’s religion is adjusted to the local community’s religion in majority. This child adoption causes legal consequence both for the biological parents that must be responsible for fulfilling all child’s needs and for the government. With this child adoption, the biological parents that must be responsible for this can move their obligations to the adoptive parents. By this child adoption, all rights and obligations of the biological parents are moved to the adoptive parents. Besides, the legal consequence for the adoptive parents in this child adoption is the presence of obligation to fulfill all their adopted child’s needs as what they give to their biological child.
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Interview result with Mrs. Mulyani, Bachelor of Law, as the Suit Junior Registrar in Payakumbuh Religious Court in 24 August 2017
Interview with Mrs. Mulyani as the Suit Junior Registrar in 19 September 2017
Interview with Mrs. Adillah ,done in 10 September 2016
Interview Result with Mrs. Yusnita, in 1 July 2017 at 13.00 Local Time
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