Political Dynamics of Candidate Recruitment: A Case Study of Nasdem Party in Pilkada of North Sumatera in 2018
This study aims to explain how the political dynamics in National Democratic party or Partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) in the selection process of the candidates for the governor-deputy governor in pilkada of North Sumatera in 2018, and to explain what factors that affect the decision in that process. This study employed qualitative method. The location of this research was at the office of the regional representative council (RRC) of Nasdem party of North Sumatera. The technique of data collection was by using the interview method. The informants were the chairperson of the regional representative council and the chair of the winning team for the general election of the Nasdem party. The results of this study indicate that the candidcay in political recruitment or selection conducted by the RRC of Nasdem party of North Sumatera province uses an inclusive model. The determination of selectorate utilized exclusive model. The determination of where the candidate selection used centralistic pattern or model. The decision making procedure for determining the candidates was by using candidate pattern with more democratic selection principles. The factors behind the RRC of Nasdem party of North Sumatera province in supporting Eramas as the candidates of the governor-deputy governor of North Sumatera for 2018-2023 period are influenced by the strength of the large party and also the choice of the profit and loss vote in 2019 even though they had a process or mechanism in the party internal system.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.924
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