Management Analysis of Indonesian Petanque Federation Province (FOPI) Central Java in Supporting Sports Achievement in Indonesia
The background of this research is that sports development can be carried out from the regions or provinces as the spearhead in advancing national sports achievements. Central Java as one of the Provinces in Indonesia is a region that has considerable sports potential. Improving the performance of Central Java sports can be done by conducting superior sports studies. Petanque is a form of boules game which aims to throw an iron ball as close as possible to a wooden ball called a jack and the foot must be in a small circle. The Provincial Executive Board of the Indonesian Central Java Petanque Sports Federation (Central Java FOPI Pengprov) was officially inaugurated in 2016. Petanque sports is one of the new sports that is quite promising because the total number of numbers competed is quite a lot, namely 11 numbers under the athletics and swimming branches. There needs to be optimal guidance for petanque sports so that in the future it will develop further and can become one of the leading sports that has become a medal contributor in the National level championship for Central Java. The first fundamental effort carried out is by examining the supporting aspects of the achievements of petanque sports. The assessment must be comprehensive of all aspects that affect the performance of Central Java petanque sports, which are related to the components of the sporting achievement. These aspects include: (1) Describing the FOPI Central Java Organizational structure, (2) Identifying the Central Java FOPI recruitment system, (3) Describing the management of facilities and infrastructure of Central Java FOPI athletes, (4) Describing Central Java FOPI fund management, (5) Describe the management of the exercise in Central Java FOPI athletes.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative and descriptive approach where the results of the study of the evaluation are expressed in words and this study focuses more on more in-depth, detailed and complete sentences. The data collection technique in this study consisted of three kinds, namely: (1) interview, (2) observation, (3) documentation In accordance with the aims and objectives in this study, to evaluate the implementation of the Central Java FOPI Pengprov program in this study using the CIPP model.
The results of the research related to the analysis of FOPI Pengprov management in Central Java, in improving the achievements of athletes and coaches in the implementation are in accordance with the main tasks and functions but there are still shortcomings and weaknesses that must be corrected to achieve maximum goals.Thus it can be concluded Based on the results of the data analysis that has been determined, it was concluded that the Management of the Provincial Executive of the Sports Federation of Petanque Indonesia (Fopi) Central Java in Supporting Sports Achievements in Central Java has been going well.
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