Grosse Executorial Strength What Is Recognition of Debt in Practice (Study in Class 1A of Mataram District Court)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the strength of executorial Grosse Debt Recognition Deed in practice in the Class 1A of Mataram District Court. The research method used is empirical normative research. First, based on the results of the research that the Strength of Grosse's Debt Recognition Act in Debt Payment Implementation has a strength that is undoubtedly very strong because it can immediately be submitted for execution without going through a lawsuit in court, which is due to an executive power in the Grosse deed the acknowledgment of Debt in the head of the Deed is that there is an order for justice based on the One and only God made by the Second Notary, Grosse deed of debt recognition can be carried out directly without going through a claim process in court, bearing in mind the Grosse deed of debt recognition provided the head of the office reads for the sake of justice based on the supreme divinity, so that with the power contained in the debt recognition deed, direct execution can be carried out by the creditor to the court if the debtor defaults, without going through the claim process in court. Third, there are several relationships in the execution of Grosse's deed. Debt recognition, for example, the community's knowledge of the gross debt recognition deed. The second, sometimes the notary in making debt recognition Grosse statements does not pay attention to material and formal requirements from the Grosse deed itself.
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